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本单元的Warming up部分以图片形式引入本单元的话题之一:amusement parks;并通过师生或生生自由问答,让学生了解并交流个体各类活动方面的体验、喜好及理由,从而引出话题amusement parks 和theme parks,为听力部分和阅读部分作必要的铺垫。ACy本库

Listening提供一个会议事例:在我市建一个主题公园的招标大会上,Fun Fun Productions and Merry Rides Limited两个不同特色公司的代表人发表演说表达各自优势以争取承建权。在听音之前需要作恰当的导入,听时做课文1、2部分,听后再作小组讨论:选择哪一家公司作为承建商及给出相应的理由。这一话题具有社会性,时代性特点,在课堂上可以激发学生模拟真实语境进行创造性对话活动。ACy本库

Speaking紧紧围绕“问路与指路”话题: 课内提供一张公园平面图,学生根据出发点和目的地的联系进行有意义的对话实践。Post-speaking内容扩展至生活实际情况。ACy本库

Reading是一篇介绍主题公园的说明文。它包括主题公园的定义、特点,同时介绍了the World Park of China, the Ocean Park of Hong Kong, Disneyland in California三个不同的主题公园,引导学生了解和比较主题公园的不同主题,激发学生联想主题公园的未来发展。Post-reading部分鼓励学生自行设计主题公园活动,鼓励学生积极想象、培养创新能力。ACy本库


1)What is a theme park? →ACy本库

2)Know about 3 great theme parks:ACy本库

The World park ---People can have fun and experience sth different.ACy本库

The Ocean Park in Hong Kong ---People come for thrills and entertainment and know more about the idea behind the park.ACy本库

Disneyland in California ---The theme is the world of Walt Disney and his characters. →ACy本库

3)New theme parks are being built.ACy本库


What is a theme park?ACy本库


Three parks What do peopleACy本库

Themes, attractions experience and learn?ACy本库

Theme parks in the futureACy本库


When you come to a wonderful theme park, you are sure to enjoy yourself. You can find a collection of rides, exhibitions and other attractions. They are based on a common theme. On one hand , people can have fun, thrills and entertainment. On the other, theme parks are designed to teach people something. Those who come for thrills will also know more about a certain subject, such as life in the ocean, the discovery of the ancient world, and life in the future. What’s more, you may imagine much new things if you think you cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures. Then there will be new designs, and new theme parks will be coming.ACy本库


_ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.ACy本库


_ Never should a man stay in a closed-door room. You should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing.ACy本库


_ Never go to the forest if you are afraid of the wolf. (Lenin)ACy本库


Language study要求学生掌握和运用相应的词汇;了解分词的意义,学习掌握现在分词作状语的用法,区别运用分词的进行式作状语与完成式作状语结构。ACy本库

Integrating skills阅读部分在主题公园的基础上以rides为主题内容,介绍了几种不同的rides, 要求读后以课文为基础,鼓励学生创造、想象, 以小组活动形式设计并描述the scarest and most exciting ride in the word。ACy本库








1. 重点:ACy本库

话题: Talking about amusement parks.ACy本库

功能: Ways of giving directions.ACy本库

Designing new things.ACy本库

词汇: theme create attract attractions lead to have sth. in commonACy本库

thrills and entertainment be based on more advanced step into experience sth. risk injury give sb. a thrill scream one’s way… race against imagination design live to rideACy本库

表达用语: Excuse me. Am I going in the right direction?ACy本库

Excuse me. Does this road lead to …?ACy本库

Got it. Thank you.ACy本库

句型: There is the Fun Fun Park, where we will have rides and entertainment.ACy本库

What reason does he give for choosing his park?ACy本库

Entering one of the attractions at Universal Studios is like steeping into the world of your favourite film.ACy本库

It seemed like people just cannot get enough of scary rides and exciting adventures.ACy本库

You can feel what it is like to live in space…ACy本库

语法: The –ing form used as an adverbial.ACy本库

eg. Many people come to the theme parks looking for thrills and entertainment.ACy本库

Visitors leave knowing more about the idea behind the park.ACy本库

Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland.ACy本库

2. 难点:ACy本库



写作技巧(如何描写事物?Tips P70)ACy本库


Ask ourselves questions as follows:ACy本库

What is it?ACy本库

What is the use of it?ACy本库

What does it look like?ACy本库

How large is it?ACy本库

What does it sound / feel / smell / taste like?ACy本库

How does it work?ACy本库

What do people do to it?ACy本库

What do people think of it?ACy本库

Why do some people love it?ACy本库

What is your opinion towards it?ACy本库


Period 1 Warming up and ListeningACy本库

Period 2 ReadingACy本库

Period 3 SpeakingACy本库

Period 4 Integrating SkillsACy本库

Period 5 Language StudyACy本库


Period 1 Warming-up & ListeningACy本库


1. Talk about amusement parks and our experiences.ACy本库

2. Learn to express likes and dislikes about the amusing activities.ACy本库

3. Be able to listen for information and understanding.ACy本库

Teaching Procedures:ACy本库

Step 1 Warming-upACy本库

Task 1 Talk about the topic and the word FUNACy本库

Students talk about fun things use Adjs to describe fun thingsACy本库

Question 1. What is fun? (snowing, sailing, hiking, rafting---)ACy本库

2.What do fun things have in common?ACy本库

Cooking is fun because it is challenging ( interesting, relaxing---).ACy本库

3. Where can we have fun? ( cinemas, amusement parks, theme parks---ACy本库

Fun is everywhere if we can enjoy it.)ACy本库

Task 2 Talk about our own experiencesACy本库

Questions: 1. Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you see?ACy本库

2. Have you ever tried sitting in a roller coaster?ACy本库

3. How did you feel?ACy本库

4. Do you like it? Why?ACy本库

Task 3 Watch pictures and talk about likes and dislikesACy本库

1. Look at the pictures and name the activitesACy本库

Question: Do you like these activities? Why / Why not?ACy本库

2. Do an interview to find others’ ideas (make up a dialogue).ACy本库

The dialogue can be like this:ACy本库

Student A: Hello, .... Have you ever been to an amusement park?ACy本库

Student B: Oh, yes. I have tried…ACy本库

Student A: Do you like it?ACy本库

Student B: Sure. I like it because it’s really exciting and …ACy本库

Step2 ListeningACy本库

Pre-listening Talk about the theme of the theme parksACy本库

A theme park must have a special theme.ACy本库

Questions: If you are to build a theme park, what theme will you have? Why?ACy本库

While-listening: Listen and finish the exercises 1 and 2ACy本库

Post-listening: 1. Fill in the following form.ACy本库

Which of the parks do you think is better?ACy本库

Name Theme Your reason and ideasACy本库




1. Get students to learn some useful new words and expressions in this part.ACy本库

2. Get students to read the play.ACy本库

3. Let students learn the expressions of ordering food.ACy本库


1. Develop students’ reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials.ACy本库

2. Enable students to understand and act out the play.ACy本库

3. Have students learn how to use the expressions to order food.ACy本库


1. Stimulate students’ interests of learning English by reading and acting this play.ACy本库

2. Develop students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.ACy本库


1. Develop students’ reading and speaking skills.ACy本库

2. Let students read and act the play.ACy本库

3. Have students learn to use the expressions to order food.ACy本库


1. Enable students to learn to use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning, and so on.ACy本库

2. Get students to act the play.ACy本库

3. Have students make a dialogue at the restaurant.ACy本库


→Step 1 RevisionACy本库

1. Check the homework exercises.ACy本库

2. Ask two students to retell the content of Act I, Scene 3.in their own words.ACy本库

→Step 2 Warming upACy本库

We have learned that Henry got a letter from the two old brothers ,so please predict what will happen next.ACy本库

→Step 3 ReadingACy本库

1. Read the play fast to understand the gist and decide whether the following statements are true or false.ACy本库

1)The owner looked down upon Henry when he noticed Henry’s appearance.ACy本库

2)Henry asked for more of the same food because he is an American who like to eat a lot.ACy本库

3)When Henry saw the million pound bank note, he was happy and proud of it.ACy本库

4)The owner didn’t believe that the bank note was real and he asked Henry to get out of the restaurant.ACy本库

2. Read the play carefully and do the following:ACy本库

1)Answer these questions in small groups.ACy本库

(1)Whose behavior changes the most during this scene? Give examples.ACy本库

(2)What kind of person is the owner of the restaurant?ACy本库

(3)Why do you think the owner of the restaurant gave Henry a free meal?ACy本库

2)Pay much attention to the different attitudes towards Henry.ACy本库

Before Henry shows his million pound bank note:ACy本库

Owner Hostess WaiterACy本库

That one’s reserved.ACy本库

Well, we will have to take a chance.ACy本库

. . . if you pay the bill. . . My goodness! He eats like a wolf.ACy本库

It’ll cost a tiny bit.ACy本库

Again, everything?ACy本库

What’s there to wait for?ACy本库

After Henry shows his million pound bank note:ACy本库

Owner Hostess WaiterACy本库

I’m so sorry, sir, so sorry.ACy本库

Oh, please, don’t worry, sir. Doesn’t matter at all.ACy本库

Just having you sit here is a great honor! . . . bow. . . ScreamsACy本库

And you put him in the back of the restaurant!ACy本库


. . . bow. . .ACy本库

3. Retell the story:ACy本库

With the envelope in hand, Henry decided to enter a restaurant for a meal. He ordered some ham and eggs and a nice big steak together with a tall glass of beer. The waiter told him the meal would cost him a tiny bit. After eating his first order, Henry asked for more of the same.ACy本库

When Henry opened the letter, he found it was a million pound bank note. He was surprised but the owner and the waiter were shocked. The owner was not sure if it was genuine or fake. They couldn’t believe Henry who was in rags could be so rich. At last, the note was proved to be real.ACy本库

After knowing that the bill is genuine, the owner thanked Henry again and again for his coming to his little eating place and even asked Henry to forget the bill . The owner, hostess and waiter all bowed together as Henry left.ACy本库

→Step 4 Language pointsACy本库

1.order n. 要(叫)的菜 eg. May I take your order?ACy本库

n. 顺序,次序 eg. The books are arranged in order of size.ACy本库

n. 命令 eg. Soldiers must obey ordersACy本库

v. 命令 eg. The officer ordered his soldiers to marchACy本库

v. 预定,预购 eg. I have ordered a steak.ACy本库

2.take a chance 碰运气ACy本库

Eg. As for whether he will win the game or not ,we must take a chance .ACy本库

Maybe true love is a decision, a decision to take a chance with somebody.ACy本库


3. genuine adj 1)真正的,真实的,名副其实的;非人造的,非伪造的ACy本库

Eg. Her wedding ring is made of genuine diamond.ACy本库


2) 真诚的,真心的,诚实的ACy本库

My genuine friend is not such right?ACy本库


3. Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount. . . Anyway, I don’t think it can be a fake.ACy本库

我确实听说英格兰银行发行了两张这样面值的钞票……不管怎样, 我觉得这不可能是假钞。ACy本库

助动词do或其他形式does, did在肯定句中用于谓语动词前, 表示强调。例如:ACy本库

I did tell him what I thought of.ACy本库


can表示推测, 与主句中的not结合在一起, 表示“不可能”。例如:ACy本库

It can’t be Jim. I know him too well.ACy本库

不可能是吉姆, 我太了解他了。ACy本库

5. But he’s in rags! 但是他穿得破破烂烂的。ACy本库

介词in后面接表示颜色或衣物等的名词时, 意思是“穿着; 戴着”。例如:ACy本库

The girl in green is a good friend of mine.ACy本库


in rags衣衫褴褛ACy本库

The old man in rags used to be very rich.ACy本库


6. As for the bill, sir, please forget it.ACy本库

至于账单嘛, 先生, 请把他忘了吧。ACy本库

as for: with regard to至于; 关于ACy本库

As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.ACy本库

至于你, 你应该感到惭愧。ACy本库

As for the hotel, it was very uncomfortable and miles from the sea.ACy本库

至于旅馆呢, 非常不舒服, 而且离海边有好几里地ACy本库

→Step 5 ActingACy本库

1. Ask students to listen to the tape and role play the text. Remind them to remember that Henry has an American accent while the owner, the hostess and the waiters all have British accents. Let them pay more attention to correct pronunciation and intonation.ACy本库

2. Have as many groups as possible to act out the play in front of the class.ACy本库

→Step 6 SpeakingACy本库

1. Ask students to read Act Ⅰ, Scene 4 again and underline all the expressions used to order food. Read them aloud.ACy本库

2. Show the following form on the screen. Let students read the expressions aloud, and make sure they understand their Chinese meanings.ACy本库


Can I help you?ACy本库

I’ll take your order in a minute.ACy本库

Are you ready to order, sir/madam?ACy本库

What would you like. . . ?ACy本库

Enjoy your meal!ACy本库

Here’s your bill.ACy本库

Here you are. CUSTOMERACy本库

I’d like. . .ACy本库

I’ll have. . .ACy本库

Do you have. . . ?ACy本库

What do you suggest?ACy本库

I’ll have that.ACy本库

The bill, please.ACy本库

Can I have the check, please?ACy本库

2. Suppose the situation: Now imagine you are having a good meal in a restaurant. Make a dialogue with your partner, who acts as a waiter/waitress.ACy本库

3. Give several minutes for the students to prepare their dialogues in pairs.ACy本库

4. Ask as many pairs as possible to present their dialogues to the class.ACy本库

→Step 7 ExtensionACy本库

Many people are crazy about buying lottery tickets (彩票). What do you think of it?ACy本库

● What kind of role do you think money plays in our daily life?ACy本库

● Is money everything?ACy本库

Suggested Answers:ACy本库

Money is not everything.ACy本库

Money can buy a house, but not a home.ACy本库

Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.ACy本库

Money can buy a clock, but not time.ACy本库

Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.ACy本库

Money can buy you a position, but not respect.ACy本库

Money can buy you medicine, but not health.ACy本库

Money can buy a friend, but not love.ACy本库

Money can buy you blood, but not life.ACy本库

→Step 8 HomeworkACy本库

1. Learn the useful new words and expressions in this part by heart.ACy本库

2. Act out the play.ACy本库




■To help students learn to express attitudes, agreement & disagreement and certaintyACy本库

■To help students learn to read the text and learn to write diaries in EnglishACy本库

■To help students better understand “friendship”ACy本库

■To help students learn to understand and use some important words and expressionsACy本库

■To help students identify examples of Direct Speech & Indirect Speech (I): statements and questions in the textACy本库



upset, ignore, calm, concern, settle, suffer, recover, packACy本库


add up, calm down, have got to, be concerned about, go through, set down, a series of, on purpose, in order to, at dusk, face to facer, no longer/ not …any longer, suffer from, get/ be tired of, pack (sth.) up, get along with, fall in love, join inACy本库


“I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do,” said Anne. →Anne said that she didn’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.ACy本库

I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven…ACy本库

…it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face…ACy本库




Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is?ACy本库

1. Warming upACy本库

⑴ Warming up by defining friendshipACy本库

Hello, everyone. I’m so glad to be your teacher of English. I’d like to make friends with you, to build up a close friendship with you. Today we shall take Unit 1. The topic of this unit is Friendship. What do you think friendship is?ACy本库

Yeah, there are many explanations about friendship. However, friendship is a relationship that can’t be restricted(限制)by definition(定义). It can only be experienced. True friendship can exist between any two souls, be it between people or animals. It can happen at any moment, to anyone. Even to lifeless things, like a diary, a ball, a friendship can happen.ACy本库

Then what is your opinion about friendship?ACy本库

Do you think that friendship is important to our life? Why?ACy本库

⑵Warming up by learning to solve problemsACy本库

Nice to meet you, class. We shall be friends from now on. For everybody needs friends. But being a good friend can sometimes be hard work. Learning how to solve problems in a friendship can make you a better friend and a happier person. Discuss the situation below and try to solve the problems wisely.ACy本库

Common problems among teenagersACy本库


Some of the common problems include forgetting friends’ birthday, not keeping promises, letting out friends’ secrets and so on.ACy本库

Maybe we can have a heart-to-heart talk with our friends to ask for forgiveness.ACy本库

Situation 1: Friends get angry with each other when they try to talk about something difficult.ACy本库

Try to understand your friend/ Try to talk about the problem in a different way.ACy本库

Situation 2: Friends don’t know how to apologizeACy本库

Start by telling each other that you are sorry. A simple apology is often enough and is a good starting point.ACy本库

Situation 3: Some friends don’t know how to keep secrets.ACy本库

Keep your secrets to yourselfACy本库

Tips on being a good friendACy本库

Treat your friends the way you want to be treated. Keep secrets that are told to you.ACy本库

Pay attention when your friend is talking. Keep your promises. Share things with your friend. Tell your friend the truth. Stick up for your friend.ACy本库

⑶Warming up by doing a surveyACy本库

Good morning, class. I am your teacher of English. Glad to be here with you. Today we shall take Unit 1 Friendship.ACy本库

To be frankly, I’d like very much to keep a close friendship with you, my dear students, in the following years. How about you then? Ok, thanks. I do hope to be your good teacher as well as your helpful friend (良师益友).ACy本库

Now please do the survey on page one.ACy本库

Add up your score according to the scoring sheet on page 8. You don’t have to tell your results. You can just keep it a secret.ACy本库



★ 高一英语第五单元教案模板ACy本库

★ 人教版高一英语必修一教案ACy本库

★ 外研社高一英语必修一教案模板ACy本库

★ 四川高一英语必修一教案模板ACy本库

★ 人教版高一英语教案模板ACy本库

★ 外研版高一英语必修一教案模板ACy本库

★ 高中英语教案人教版ACy本库

★ 外研社高一英语教案模板ACy本库

★ 人教版高一英语第一单元教案模板ACy本库

★ 高一英语必修一知识点归纳5篇精选ACy本库



